Os azeites de oliva importados são sempre bons?

Are imported olive oils always good?

Extra virgin olive oil is the ideal accompaniment to meals, but imported products are not always the best choices. Read the article!

Imported olive oils are not always good. In recent years, national olive oils, such as Lagar H, have stood out in the market.

Until recently, there were only imported olive oils. But today, national olive oil, although there is still little production, is gaining ground due to its quality.

Despite being a relatively new production in Brazil, national olive oil, such as Lagar H, has gained space on market shelves and guaranteed a place on the Brazilian table.

Whether to be used with a meal or consumed alone, one fact is certain: olive oil is the best choice for health, because of its benefits. antioxidant characteristics and other benefits .

However, it is important to remember that the longer the product remains in the packaging, the more likely it is to have undergone changes. In other words, imported products may not always be the best choice.

In this article, learn the differences between national and imported olive oil, the disadvantages of purchasing an imported product and the advantages of selecting national olive oil. Follow along!

Imported olive oils

Brazil is becoming one of the largest quality producers of extra virgin olive oil, with its olive oils recognized as the best in the world in competitions in the segment.

But do you know what the main differences are between imported and national olive oil? Below you will find some answers to this question. Look!

Harvest and consumption

Normally, when we consume imported olive oil, we are using a product harvested and produced in previous years. A liquid that is bottled for a long period tends to lose its qualities.

And this happens because the time between harvesting and the product arriving on the Brazilian table is much longer than national olive oil.

In Brazil, harvests take place between the months of March and April, and the olive oil reaches the consumer fresh, without long distances to be covered and with all the positive properties for greater flavor and health.

Flavor and aroma

Another difference between both olive oils is the flavors and aromas. Because they are produced on Brazilian land, the products have characteristics specific to the terroir in which it is grown.

Olive oils can have an aroma reminiscent of green apples, fresh herbs, among other sensations.

When purchasing national and imported olive oils, consumers can identify differences in freshness and aromas in addition to bitterness and spiciness.

In addition to being tastier and fresher, Brazilian olive oils have other advantages. Find out what they are.

Advantages of purchasing a Brazilian product

According to the Brazilian Institute of Olive Culture (IBRAOLIVA) , Brazil has around 7,000 hectares planted with olives. This represents more than 70 producers who grow the product.

This way, the consumer has no excuse for not purchasing a national product.

But if you still have some doubts, don't worry, we will share three advantages of buying this Brazilian product.


Olive oils grown and produced in Brazil still have all the necessary health benefits, helping to improve blood pressure, the immune system, the digestive system, among others, as they do not suffer from oxidation due to long-distance transportation.


Because it is grown and produced in the same place, the olive oil maintains all the flavor and aroma of the liquid, resulting in a tastier product to be consumed at any meal.

Fresh product

At Lagar H, for example, as soon as the olive oil is extracted, it is taken to a nitrogen tank in an air-conditioned room where it remains until bottling and, from there, it goes directly to points of sale or to the consumer's home. This process helps the product maintain all the freshness and quality of the oil.

In conclusion, imported olive oil is not always good.

After all, compared to national olive oils, such as Lagar H, imported olive oils are not as fresh and we cannot guarantee their origin.

Discover more about real national extra virgin olive oil at our website and choose the ideal product for you !

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